Naja Summary E-mail
NaJA a java review download


    Current release

    V 0.0.4 - 11/30/2003


    • Several improvements in naja references and garbage collection :
      • Objects containing NaJA references no more needs be assigned to a NaJA reference.
      • cycle detection in garbage collection : no more double object deletion
    • added quick and dirty xml sax parser based upon libxml
    • fix namespace use, now compiles with gcc 3.x
    • Added Package

    Known bugs

    • String's methods ignoring case needs to be rewritten.

    Older releases

    V 0.0.3 - 08/25/2002


    • Added a tiny garbage collector, designed to managed any kind of objects, not only the NaJA Object class. Not fully tested in this case, may need improvements.
    • NaJA reference rewritten to use the garbage collector. Removed usage count from Object class.
    • Added Collections templates, Vector seems to work

    Known bugs

    • Objects containing NaJA references MUST be assigned to a NaJA reference.
    • String's methods ignoring case needs to be rewritten.

    V 0.0.2 - 05/01/2002


    Bug fixes.

    • Suppressed deprecated target from Makefile.
    • test program didn't compile !

    Known bugs

    • String's methods ignoring case needs to be rewritten.

    V 0.0.1 - 04/27/2002


    First draft.

    • Working NajaRef, the NaJA reference.
    • Object class. Each object managed thru the naja ref, must inherit this class.
    • String class.
    • StringTokenizer class.
NaJA | a java review | download last update 01/19/2004 - 20:22